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About This Index


What you see here is the result of many years effort by Mr. Maynard Van Roekel. This online index of the Narrow Gauge & Short Line GAZETTE is an update to the index created by Mr. Van Roekel. Sadly, he passed away on 1 September 2023. Click here for his obituary.

I'll do my best to carry on his legacy. All the content presented here through the Jul/Aug 2022 issue was prepared by Maynard.

The Index is comprised of several individual indices, all of which are selectable on the home page:

  Editorial Content:  Product Reviews:
   Feature Articles     Books on Real Railroads
   Drawings     Books on Models
   Covers     Catalogs
   Photographs     Drawings and Plans
          Ready-to-Run Models
         Locomotive Kits and Car Kits
         Railroad Structures
         Non Railroad Structures
         Hobby Tools
         Audio Recordings
         Photos and Slides
         Videos of Real Railroads
         Videos of Model Railroads
         Movie Films

The titles of most of the articles were rearranged to facilitate the alphabetized sort by putting the subject word in front. Example: "The Lady Slipper Mine" becomes "Mine Lady Slipper." Some of the items are listed in the index more than once to make it easier to find them. As there is now a good Search function, this practice is not being continued as we go forward.

Links in the Issue column connect to corresponding back issue pages in the WRP Bookstore.

This site now includes online copies of many recent complete issues (pdf) and individual articles (html). If available, these links are in the first column for articles and the Issue column for complete copies. Click here for a menu of available issues.

The Search function presents results for only one index at a time, but links to all indexes with search results are provided. Searches are not case sensitive, special characters are allowed, and minimum character length is 3, so "HO" is not valid, but "ebt" and"D&RGW" are.

The Print buttons return a pdf file. You may find it convenient to select just a few pages in the pdf file for printing.

I do recognize that page formatting favors PC's over cell phones. It's just not easy to present a lot of information on a small screen.

Probably 98% of what you see here is Maynard's work. My main contribution has been to move the data to an online database, which, I believe, allows quick downloads and easy searches. Please email thoughts and comments to me at I have been doing content updates Since Sep/Oct 2022.

Downloading from White River Productions
If you're a subscriber to the White River Productions app, then you've probably discovered that the web version does not give you access to the advertisements. It turns out that for each issue, there is a downloadable pdf file of the whole magazine. There are no links in the online app, but it's easy to find. Three easy steps (I use Edge browser, but steps are similar for others.):

  1. Log in to the app and click "Read issue" for the magazine that you want to download.
  2. Right click on any link, and select "Copy link" from the menu that appears. This link includes a long encrypted key that identifies you as a registered user and points to the folder of the issue you have selected.
  3. Paste the copied link into the browser address bar. The last part of the link will be a backslash, followed by something like "article.html"
    Replace everything after that last backslash with "index.pdf"
    That's it.

Best regards,
Dick Dale
19 January 2023